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Museer på Åland

Discover world-class maritime history

The Maritime Museum’s unique collections are an incredible experience. If you combine them with the interactive visitor experience on board the tall ship Pommern, the visit will be unforgettable!

The Åland Maritime Museum is about experiencing and discovering. The museum is filled with lots of story treasures and personal destinies. The museum’s unique objects include a genuine pirate flag, one of only two preserved in the entire world.

The museum visit becomes even more enjoyable when the whole family is having a good time. At the Maritime Museum, you can discover and learn together, and even try things out in practice. For example, can you distribute the cargo on a cargo ship without it tipping over? Treasure hunting with the museum’s mascot, the ship’s rat, Ruby, and the imaginative playroom “Ruby and the Sea” are also among the highlights.

In spring 2024, the museum will open its new special exhibition “What does a sailor do without a ship?” This exhibition is about Captain and model builder Runar Husell, who built an incredible model of the four-masted barque Ponape from memory while he was a prisoner of war during World War II.

Welcome aboard

Then take the footbridge over to the Pommern, the four-masted steel barque launched in Glasgow in 1903, which has sailed the wheat routes between Mariehamn and Australia. From May to September, you can come aboard and join a fictional 100-day voyage around the world. The exhibition brings to life everything you’ve discovered in the Maritime Museum’s collections, allowing you to feel and experience life on the Pommern with all your senses.

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